John Henry Smith has British and Swiss citizenship and has held senior management positions in international banks and other financial institutions, including the former International Securities Market Association (ISMA). He has served on the board of several companies including Western Union Retail Services (Switzerland).
In 2000 he gained an MBA from the Open University, U. K. and two years later was elected as Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, U.K. in recognition of his strong management and academic track records.
From 2013 he has been conducting U.S. stock market research, with over 600 articles to his credit. His findings uncovered disturbing variances between the conventional assumptions of risk and return and true market behaviour. Using this research, he reset his thinking, out of which the Grail Equity Management System (GEMS) was developed; a system by which it is able to generate ultra-alpha returns with no more risk than the S&P 500 and without the use of leverage.
My LinkedIn Profile My LinkedIn page bears testomony my research and to the power of the Grail Equity Mangement System (GEMS), as you will see if you follow this link to have access to the several strong references and endorsements I've received.